The Evolution of Mexican Cuisine in Central Arizona: How Availability of Ingredients Has Shaped the Culinary Scene

Discover how availability of ingredients has played an important role on the evolution of Mexican cuisine over time. Learn how advances in technology & transportation have allowed for more creativity & experimentation with flavors & textures.

The Evolution of Mexican Cuisine in Central Arizona: How Availability of Ingredients Has Shaped the Culinary Scene

The food industry has seen a surge in flexitarian and plant-based lifestyles in recent years, and Mexican cuisine is no exception. Many of the basic ingredients found in Mexican recipes, such as beans, rice, and fruits, are vegan by nature, leading to the creation of many meatless dishes. According to Feast, Mexican food was the number one type of cuisine at Veganuary (the 31-day annual vegan challenge). These delicacies are now widely available in frozen food boxes or special canned foods from nearby stores. The Mexican Food Institute, based in San Antonio, Texas, is a subsidiary of the Council.

It is believed that the dish was made with chocolate already added in pre-Columbian times, but there is no evidence to support this. In fact, the Aztecs had such a negative attitude towards chocolate that they were unlikely to use it in the kitchen even if the Spanish had done so with communion wine. In the 16th century, combinations of Central American native ingredients baked in a casserole style were documented. There are a variety of Mexican puddings (puddings), dry soups (“dry soups” or pasta), oven taquitos (baked tacos) and chilaquiles, all of which have one thing in common: they are all cooked the same way. In 1950, Bud Smith, a Texan who grew up near the Mexican border in Pharr, was surprised to find his family throwing away 50 pounds of Mexican quince paste. Maize is an important ingredient in many agricultural offerings to deities and plays an essential role in the daily diet of Mayans living in villages. Zelayeta was born in Mexico of Spanish descent and all her cookbooks are about the Mexican food she is so familiar with.

This explains why many of the ingredients used in traditional Mexican tortilla soup come from the Old World. In 1806, a botanist named McMahon sold four varieties and, in 1826, another botanist named Thornburn made long peppers (cayenne), shaped like tomatoes (pumpkin), bluebells (ox heart), cherries and birds (West Indies) available to gardeners. The company distributes frozen Mexican products to retail and institutional customers in Northern California. Fonda El Refugio began serving authentic Mexican coastal and inland cuisine to tourists in the 1960s. It is clear that availability of ingredients has played an important role in the evolution of Mexican cuisine in Central Arizona. With more ingredients becoming available due to advances in technology and transportation, it has become easier for people to create new dishes or recreate traditional ones.

This has allowed for more creativity and experimentation with flavors and textures, resulting in a more diverse range of dishes that can be enjoyed by everyone.

The Impact of Ingredient Availability on Mexican Cuisine

The availability of ingredients has had a major impact on Mexican cuisine over time. As new ingredients have become available due to advances in technology and transportation, it has become easier for people to create new dishes or recreate traditional ones. This has allowed for more creativity and experimentation with flavors and textures, resulting in a more diverse range of dishes that can be enjoyed by everyone. For example, when maize became available to Mayans living in villages, it quickly became an important ingredient used for agricultural offerings to deities as well as part of their daily diet. Similarly, when long peppers (cayenne), shaped like tomatoes (pumpkin), bluebells (ox heart), cherries and birds (West Indies) became available to gardeners thanks to botanists McMahon and Thornburn, they quickly became popular ingredients used for creating traditional Mexican tortilla soup.


It is clear that availability of ingredients has played an important role in the evolution of Mexican cuisine in Central Arizona.

This has allowed for more creativity and experimentation with flavors and textures, resulting in a more diverse range of dishes that can be enjoyed by everyone.

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